Visit Korčula town, places and islands nearby Korčula
Pupnat in Brief
Pupnat is the smallest and one of the oldest villages on the island of Korčula, located on the highest point of 360 m above sea level, 11 km from the town of Korčula.
Finds from Illyrian and Roman times have been found in the village.
Numerous ancient single-story houses covered by stone slabs are preserved, especially sheep and goat houses southwest of the village.
Patroness: Our Lady of Snows, on August the 5th.
Pupnat short Tour
In spite it′s small size the village has preserved the 'Kumpanjija' sword dance, old dances and many other traditions, particularly religious ones.
Pupnat celebrates its day , Our Lady of Snows, on August the 5th and on August the 24th- Blessed Marko from Pupnat whose relics are in their parochial church.
![Pupnat Korčula - Kumpanjija](assets/images/tour-view/timeline/kumpanija-pupnat-korcula.jpg)
More and more Pupnat welcomes hikers who are walking to neighbouring bays Bačva, Smokova, Ripna and the nicest of them Pupnatska Luka.
Two taverns are well known in Pupnat 'Mate' and 'Pagar' offering a choice of local dishes.
Particularities of the place to remember: special dish 'koraja s kupusom' (porc neck boiled with cabage), 'lešo mulam iz glogoja' (boiled beef meat on hottest fire), grilled fresh figs.
![Pupnatska luka beach - Korčula](assets/images/tour-view/timeline/pupnatska-luka-korcula.jpg)
The inhabitants of Pupnat used to be involved in wood cutting and collecting resin; they made lime and charcoal for use in the craft workshops in Korčula.
The women from Pupnat used to bring firewood to Korčula, transported on their mules and donkeys.
![Stonehouse in Pupnat - Korčula](assets/images/tour-view/timeline/korcual-pupnat-stonhouse.jpg)